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Welcome to Currie Accountancy
Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors

As a firm, Currie Accountancy Limited, has developed from two practices, over thirty years, that were run by the proprietors in their own names. In that time a significant knowledge base has been formed. We have focused on the fundamentals of providing sound, friendly, practical advice and a value for money service.

Currie Accountancy has an office based in Edenbridge, Kent and a pool of consultants and support staff at various levels of expertise to call upon. The firm is first and foremost a general practice.

We offer small and medium sized businesses a comprehensive range of specialist support and advisory services. We endeavour to be a broad-based provider of advice to owner managed businesses. The growth in the range and breadth of advisory services within our firm reflects our determination to provide the best possible assistance for our clients, large and small, who operate in an increasingly complex and fast changing business environment.

Would you like...

  • Fixed competitive fees;
  • Unlimited phone support;
  • A tax review;
  • To make more profit;
  • To pay less tax;
  • An accountant who speaks plain English.

You would? Then let's talk.

Online Resources

Our site is packed with information to help you in both the Tax Zone and Business Zone.

If you need any other help at all, please just give us a call.

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